Organize a Screening
Life in Occupied Palestine: Eyewitness Stories & Photos provides an accessible and compelling introduction to Israel's occupation of Palestine and the inspiring popular movement for freedom, justice, and self-determination for the Palestinian people. Join hundreds of others in screening the video at a local conference, church, school, library, coffee shop, senior center, community center, home, or elsewhere!
Useful tips & materials:
1. If you don't have a copy of the DVD but want to do a public screening, contact Anna or visit Brave New Theatres for a free copy through the Free DVD Project for Palestine.
2. Make sure you give attendees something to take away with them, like information about a local campaign or action idea, or how they can get involved in an organization working on the issue.
Consider screening one of the many great videos available at Palestine Online Store.
One particularly powerful film is Slingshot Hip-Hop, an incredible documentary about the rise of the Palestinian hip-hop movement as resistance through music and spoken word. This DVD is one of the best out there to learn about the people of Palestine, especially for youth. Personal and institutional copies available here, or contact the filmmaker.